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  1. 每日找一部VoiceTube的影片(聽力練習)
  1. 每週挑選一部影集(60-120分鐘)只開英文字幕
  2. 挑選一篇FORMOSA NEWS英語新聞(額外練習)


如何自信地用英語講電話 (How to Speak Confidently in English on the Phone)

panic, make appointment at 12 p.m, portray yourself, dot points,

  1. 許多講英語的人在打電話時會連接詞,語速非常快,也可能座機或連線會中斷。
Many people speak english will use connects, speak fast or maybe disconnect.

Many English speakers when speaking on the phone, they connect words,
they speak very fast and maybe a landline or the connections simply cuts out.
  1. 這些小撇步將幫助你在電話中更加自信地講話,使你在打電話時能夠更有效地進行溝通,並使你能夠在打電話時完成所需的工作。
These tips will help you speaking english more confidently,
help you communicating more efficently and let you done works while on phone.

These tips will help you speak more confidently on the phone,
they will enable you to communicate more effectively while you are on phone calls
and enable you to get what you need to get done while you're on the phone.


還沒上岸的必看!專家教你如何在求職面試中脫穎而出! (Stand Out in a Job Interview | The Harvard Business Review Guide)

  1. Do your homework (The organization structure, culture, industry, requirement of the position)
  2. Craft your stories(Why you are the perfect persion for the job)
  3. Pratice interview opening
事實上,研究表明,人們在面試的前 30 秒鐘內就會對你的個性和智力形成看法。
In fact, research tells that people will fix your personality and intellency in first 30s.

In fact, research shows that people form opinions about your personality and intelligence in the first 30 seconds of the interview.
Well, Now you can tell impact personal story, bind these stories with your experiance of work and life, value, achivement.

Well, now you get to tell powerful personal stories that connect each of those to your own experiences,
values and achievements in both your work and personal life.


  1. 上課: Everyday tech: Smartphones - Danny
  1. 怎麼讀書才有效?13 個科學家證實的小撇步! (13 Study Tips)
1. 只要你完成了困難的事,這天剩下的時間你都會覺得神清氣爽,甚至更有動力完成其他事情。
Once you've done the most difficult things. you will feel good the rest of the day,
or even have more motivate to do other things.

Once you are done with the hard stuff, you will feel better for the rest of the day
and probably more motivated to get other things done.

2. 許多活動都被證實幫助腦袋生長,而運動、規律的冥想和良好的溝通更有顯著的作用。
Many activities to be shown to help growing your brain. Sporting,
regularly __ and great conversation are more effect.

There are a few activities proven to grow your brain,
however physical exercise, regular meditation and good conversations apparently do exactly that.

* [meditation]: The practice of emptying your mind of thoughs and feelings,
                in order to relax completely or for religious reasons.
* [apparently]: used to say you have read or been told something
                although you are not certain it is true.


葬送的芙莉蓮 1 - 2

帶你深入了解因《黑白大廚》爆紅的李愛德華的靈魂美食! (StoryBooked | Soul Food with Ed Lee)


3 個常見英語錯誤 (3 Most Common English Mistakes)


  1. 上課Homes, towns and neighborhoods - Adrian (Lesson 1)


【TED】如何只花 20 小時學習任何東西? (Josh Kaufman | 20 Hours to Learn Anything (Key Points Talk))

  1. Deconstruct the skill
  2. Learn enough to self-correct
  3. Remove practice barriers
  4. Practice at least 20 hours

grossly: extremely
incompetent: not having the ability to do something as it should be done.

1. 習得一個新的技能需要多久呢?
How long will you to learn a new skill?

* How long does it take to acquire a new skill?
* How long does it take to learn a new skill?
[acquire]: to get or obtain something

2. 然後在某個時間點你會進到停滯期,且隨後提升水準將變得更困難
At some point, you will go to a pitafu. and then it will be difficult to improve.

* And then at a certain point, you reach a plateau, and the subsequent gains become much harder to get.
* Then, at some point, you will enter a plateau, and improving further will become more difficult.
[plateau]: a large flat area of land that is high above sea level

3. 若是你刻意投入 20 個小時專心練習,就你可以從完全不懂,進步到讓自己驚訝的水準。
If you focusly practice 20 hours, you will improve to suprise level from grossly incompetent.

* You can go from knowing nothing, if you put 20 hours of focused deliberate practice into that thing,
you will be astounded at how good you are.
* If you deliberately invest 20 hours of focused practice,
you can progress from knowing nothing to a level that will surprise yourself.
[astounded]: very surpriseed or shocked
[deliberate]: intentional or planned


超有效!克服害羞的 12 個實用技巧 (How To Stop Being Shy And Quiet - 12 Tips To Overcome Shyness)

1. 害羞是指你花太多時間胡思亂想,根據他人的標準和意見來評斷自己。
Shyness means you spent more time thinking, using other's opions to judge your self.

* Shyness is when you spend too much time in your head, judging yourself,
based on other people's standards and opinions.
* Shyness means you spend too much time overthinking and
judging yourself based on other people's standards and opinions.


上課: Negotiations(Lession2)

bargin / deal / offer / willing / meet (someone) halfway / fair
accepting / rejecting / compromising

compromise: an agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce their demand or change their opinion in order to agree.


為什麼活在當下這麼困難? (Why It Is So Hard to Live in the Present)

consequenial / Nostalgia / extraordinary / fixated


葬送的芙莉蓮 3

葬送的芙莉蓮 4


  1. 一天要睡多少小時才足夠? (How Much Sleep Do You REALLY Need?)
  1. 上課: Homes, towns and neighborhoods (Lesson 3)


如何在一年內改變你的生活? (how to change your life in a year ?)


  1. 你的讀書習慣正確嗎?快透過影片確保自己不走錯路!(5 terrible study habits to quit)
  1. 上課: Negotiations (Lesson 3) - James


BBC學英文10分鐘系列:28 個關於「用餐」的英語單字和片語! (The Vocabulary Show: Dining out - Learn 28 English words and phrases in 10 minutes!)


  1. 上課: Life in Australia - Diana
  1. 芙莉蓮4-10


事實上,領先 99% 的人是很容易的! (It’s actually pretty easy to get ahead of 99% of people.)

  1. the power of small wins
  2. Harnessing the power of discomfort
  3. Harnessing the power of pain


常深受失眠所擾嗎?五招讓你一夜好眠! (How to Sleep Better)


  1. 上課: Life in Turkey possession / tram / mosque / hot air ballons / strait

  2. 跟著 Georgie 一起學會「旅遊」的實用片語! (Phrasal verbs with Georgie: Travel ✈️)


五個增進英文寫作技巧的方法! (5 tips to improve your writing)

  1. Do not use contractions
    don't → do not
    can't → can not
    shouldn't → should not
  2. Avoid there is / there are
  3. Don't use words "really, very, a lot, so"
  4. Use active voice, don't use too much passive voice
  5. Use strong verbs


  1. 上課: Negotiations Lesson 4 - 2
    installments / slightly

Two type of conditional

  1. First conditional (If you + present tense verb)
    • If you sign the contract now, we will ship the order by the end of the day
    • If you don't reduce the price, I will go to another supplier.
  2. Secon conditional (If you + past tense verb)
    • If you accepted a price of $2 per unit, we would consider changing the delivery schedule.
    • If you tried to change the terms of our agreement after singning it, we would cancel the contract.

Present tense = real possibility.
Past tense = imagined or unlikely.


想成功嗎?也許你該聽聽傑米戴蒙給你的職業建議! (Jamie Dimon's Career Advice)


  1. 上課: Idioms-That use weather vocabulary
  1. 【跟著大明星睡覺去】王嘉爾 Jackson Wang 的睡前保養程序 | 哈珀的BAZAAR (Jackson Wang’s Nighttime Skincare Routine | Go To Bed With Me | Harper’s BAZAAR)


  1. 芙莉蓮11 - 15
    testaments / tremendously strong / cabin / pervert / indebted you / relic / fierce / intact / burial / orally
    merciless / what a cheapskate
    drown in to regret / pathetic old man / give him a nudge / resemble me / to scold her very firmly / on behalf of / contemplate
    I'm talking about what you can do "now"
    you want to make up / furious / etiquette / dopey / distraught / commend / heir / cocky the work you put into it will always pay off

  2. 如果你想贏,就不要專注於贏 (If You Want to Win, Don't Focus on Winning)


  1. 上課: Family, friends and famous people (Lesson 4)

  2. 芙莉蓮 16 -17


  1. I have a class tonight called Life in Spain. I'm trying to preview some knowledge throught ChatGPT.
  1. 上課: Life in Spain


  1. 上課: Life in Spain 2
    • medieval / Mediterranean Sea
  2. 效率好差,要怎麼提高生產力?The Science of Productivity


  1. 這部影片絕對要看!2024 年你可以學習養成「這些嗜好」(hobbies to learn in 2024)


  1. 想要講出流利的英文,不能只「讀英文」! (How to TRULY become and STAY Fluent in English|The biggest mistake people make when learning English)
    • You need to surround youself by English
    • It take a bit of an effort and discipline
    • vicious cycle


  1. 芙莉蓮 18-26
  1. 上課: Idioms-Describing emotions



  1. 上課: on the move





  1. 芙莉蓮27-28
  1. Young SHELDON
  1. 上課: Idioms-Describing personal qualities




上課: Life in Brazil











上課: Idioms-Related to communication











