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如何自信地用英語講電話 (How to Speak Confidently in English on the Phone)
panic, make appointment at 12 p.m, portray yourself, dot points,
- 許多講英語的人在打電話時會連接詞,語速非常快,也可能座機或連線會中斷。
Many people speak english will use connects, speak fast or maybe disconnect.
Many English speakers when speaking on the phone, they connect words,
they speak very fast and maybe a landline or the connections simply cuts out.
- 這些小撇步將幫助你在電話中更加自信地講話,使你在打電話時能夠更有效地進行溝通,並使你能夠在打電話時完成所需的工作。
These tips will help you speaking english more confidently,
help you communicating more efficently and let you done works while on phone.
These tips will help you speak more confidently on the phone,
they will enable you to communicate more effectively while you are on phone calls
and enable you to get what you need to get done while you're on the phone.
還沒上岸的必看!專家教你如何在求職面試中脫穎而出! (Stand Out in a Job Interview | The Harvard Business Review Guide)
- Do your homework (The organization structure, culture, industry, requirement of the position)
- Craft your stories(Why you are the perfect persion for the job)
- Pratice interview opening
事實上,研究表明,人們在面試的前 30 秒鐘內就會對你的個性和智力形成看法。
In fact, research tells that people will fix your personality and intellency in first 30s.
In fact, research shows that people form opinions about your personality and intelligence in the first 30 seconds of the interview.
Well, Now you can tell impact personal story, bind these stories with your experiance of work and life, value, achivement.
Well, now you get to tell powerful personal stories that connect each of those to your own experiences,
values and achievements in both your work and personal life.
- 上課: Everyday tech: Smartphones - Danny
- Hologram: a picture we can make on the air
- sci-fi: short for science fiction
- patten: The official legal right to make or sell an invention for a particular number of years.
- concern vs worry: (worry means you feels emotions, concern means you think about it)
- eliminated: to remove or take away someone or some thing
- facing recognition
- alternatives: an alternative plan or method is one that you can use if you don't want to use anthoer one.
- advancement: the development or improment of something
1. 只要你完成了困難的事,這天剩下的時間你都會覺得神清氣爽,甚至更有動力完成其他事情。
Once you've done the most difficult things. you will feel good the rest of the day,
or even have more motivate to do other things.
Once you are done with the hard stuff, you will feel better for the rest of the day
and probably more motivated to get other things done.
2. 許多活動都被證實幫助腦袋生長,而運動、規律的冥想和良好的溝通更有顯著的作用。
Many activities to be shown to help growing your brain. Sporting,
regularly __ and great conversation are more effect.
There are a few activities proven to grow your brain,
however physical exercise, regular meditation and good conversations apparently do exactly that.
* [meditation]: The practice of emptying your mind of thoughs and feelings,
in order to relax completely or for religious reasons.
* [apparently]: used to say you have read or been told something
although you are not certain it is true.
葬送的芙莉蓮 1 - 2
- Himmel the Hero would have done so.
- They're all very unassuming tasks. (unassuming: easy)
- It's Hemmel's fault for wanting fame.
- To a moderate degree
- unfathomable: impossible to understand
- repay: to pay back or to reward someone or something
- herb: a type of plant whose leaves are used in cooking to give flavour to particular dishes or in making medicine
帶你深入了解因《黑白大廚》爆紅的李愛德華的靈魂美食! (StoryBooked | Soul Food with Ed Lee)
- instinct
- the way people or animals naturallay react or behave, without having to think or learn about it.
- instinct telling you where to go
- you can't squander your life.
- heritage: The perfact balance of innovation and heritage is one hand reaching forward but the other hand reaching back.
- collard green: 芥藍
- culturally (adv.)
3 個常見英語錯誤 (3 Most Common English Mistakes)
yesterday night-> last night- care about countable items
- I have been living here for 3 years / since 2015.
- for: duration of time
- 上課Homes, towns and neighborhoods - Adrian (Lesson 1)
- groceries
- adopt
【TED】如何只花 20 小時學習任何東西? (Josh Kaufman | 20 Hours to Learn Anything (Key Points Talk))
- Deconstruct the skill
- Learn enough to self-correct
- Remove practice barriers
- Practice at least 20 hours
grossly: extremely
incompetent: not having the ability to do something as it should be done.
1. 習得一個新的技能需要多久呢?
How long will you to learn a new skill?
* How long does it take to acquire a new skill?
* How long does it take to learn a new skill?
[acquire]: to get or obtain something
2. 然後在某個時間點你會進到停滯期,且隨後提升水準將變得更困難
At some point, you will go to a pitafu. and then it will be difficult to improve.
* And then at a certain point, you reach a plateau, and the subsequent gains become much harder to get.
* Then, at some point, you will enter a plateau, and improving further will become more difficult.
[plateau]: a large flat area of land that is high above sea level
3. 若是你刻意投入 20 個小時專心練習,就你可以從完全不懂,進步到讓自己驚訝的水準。
If you focusly practice 20 hours, you will improve to suprise level from grossly incompetent.
* You can go from knowing nothing, if you put 20 hours of focused deliberate practice into that thing,
you will be astounded at how good you are.
* If you deliberately invest 20 hours of focused practice,
you can progress from knowing nothing to a level that will surprise yourself.
[astounded]: very surpriseed or shocked
[deliberate]: intentional or planned
超有效!克服害羞的 12 個實用技巧 (How To Stop Being Shy And Quiet - 12 Tips To Overcome Shyness)
- self-esteem: belief and confidence in your own ability and value
1. 害羞是指你花太多時間胡思亂想,根據他人的標準和意見來評斷自己。
Shyness means you spent more time thinking, using other's opions to judge your self.
* Shyness is when you spend too much time in your head, judging yourself,
based on other people's standards and opinions.
* Shyness means you spend too much time overthinking and
judging yourself based on other people's standards and opinions.
上課: Negotiations(Lession2)
bargin / deal / offer / willing / meet (someone) halfway / fair
accepting / rejecting / compromising
compromise: an agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce their demand or change their opinion in order to agree.
We are willing to lower the price if you can commit for two years.
willing to vs want to
- willing to shows readiness, want to shows personal desire
為什麼活在當下這麼困難? (Why It Is So Hard to Live in the Present)
consequenial / Nostalgia / extraordinary / fixated
- One benefit of the past is that it is a dramatically foreshortend, edited version of the present.
- Hours of mediocrity can be reduced to five or six perfect images.
葬送的芙莉蓮 3
- practical use
- That was ordinary offensive magic
- continent (land / island)
葬送的芙莉蓮 4
- slobbish person
- skeptical about
- apprentice: someone who has agreed to work for a skilled person for a particular period of time and often for low payment, in order to learn that person's skills.
- obnoxious
- crafty: tricky
- losing enthusiasm
- gloomy topics
- Early bird and night owls
- Hard to stay awake in class
- great odds(the probability)
- negative consequence
- 上課: Homes, towns and neighborhoods (Lesson 3)
- Can you tell me where __ is ?
- Can you tell me where the way to __ ?
- How to get to the __ ?
- How do I get to then __ ?
- Walk past the bank and keep going until you reach __ .
- Walk straight ahead.
如何在一年內改變你的生活? (how to change your life in a year ?)
- Whether you spent the year improving a new skill or slipping back into old bad habits, it's really the direction of your change that matters most.
- slip: to slide without intending to (She slipped on the ice)
- Be intentional about how you want to change. Your intentions are like a compass, guiding you to your desired destination.
- How would you know what route to take if you're not clear about where you're going?
- time capsule
- start off by
- gravitate toward
- how often you use them
- They looked at 10 different strategies and found that active recall and spaced repetition were the best.
- mnemonics
- you need to nail both step one and step two
- debunk the myth of ...
- 上課: Negotiations (Lesson 3) - James
- however / although / despite + verb-ing / but
- additionally / moreover / furthermore / too / as well / also
- without any further
- make a reservation / reserve a table
- a walk-in : a vistor without an appointment
- starter / appetizer
- main / main course / entrée
- sparkling water / fizzy water
- Cutlery are the tools that we use to eat.
- Can I get the bill, please? / Can I get the check, please?
- 上課: Life in Australia - Diana
- Try to plan a one-day itinerary in Australia.
We can go to the Sydney Opera Housh in the morning to watch a show and then have a kangaroo burger for lunch. After lunch, we can go to the Sydney Zoo to see some animals.- itinerary: a detailed plan or route of a joureny.
- Australian marsupials:
- marsupial: a group of mammals known for carrying and nursing their young in a pouch.
- A bottle-brush tree / eucalyptus trees
- Wylie's Baths / Opera House / Harbour Bridge / Blue Mountains / Three Sisters
- Most people live in Australia live in large cities on the coast.
- 芙莉蓮4-10
- I have a favor to ask you
- It's just a hunch
事實上,領先 99% 的人是很容易的! (It’s actually pretty easy to get ahead of 99% of people.)
- faint glow / addicting / sober / escalator
- stick to the end
- I often find myself the only one there.
- I see row after row people glued to thier TV, their computers and their phone.
- __ was unheard of
- morphed to fit __
- We are in the age of instantaneous gratification, with mind-numbing pleasure just a hand swipe away.
- In the US, almost 1 out of every 2 people use TikTok.
- invade your every sence
- the power of small wins
- Harnessing the power of discomfort
- Harnessing the power of pain
常深受失眠所擾嗎?五招讓你一夜好眠! (How to Sleep Better)
- Research shows that electronics interfere your sleep because it’s easy to get distracted by them
- Next time you start tossing and turning, try to develop a ritual.
上課: Life in Turkey possession / tram / mosque / hot air ballons / strait
跟著 Georgie 一起學會「旅遊」的實用片語! (Phrasal verbs with Georgie: Travel ✈️)
- I'm really looking forward to the summer holidays
- take off / anticipate / get away
- I'd love to get away for a few days and spend time in the countryside.
- pick up the woman / pick the woman up
- Set off means to begin your journey
五個增進英文寫作技巧的方法! (5 tips to improve your writing)
- Do not use contractions
don't → do not
can't → can not
shouldn't → should not - Avoid there is / there are
- Don't use words "really, very, a lot, so"
- Use active voice, don't use too much passive voice
- Use strong verbs
- 上課: Negotiations Lesson 4 - 2
installments / slightly
Two type of conditional
- First conditional (If you + present tense verb)
- If you sign the contract now, we will ship the order by the end of the day
- If you don't reduce the price, I will go to another supplier.
- Secon conditional (If you + past tense verb)
- If you accepted a price of $2 per unit, we would consider changing the delivery schedule.
- If you tried to change the terms of our agreement after singning it, we would cancel the contract.
Present tense = real possibility.
Past tense = imagined or unlikely.
想成功嗎?也許你該聽聽傑米戴蒙給你的職業建議! (Jamie Dimon's Career Advice)
- like a casino
- You're gonna spend your life learning
- respect for
- at peace / at ease
- Maybe you got to cut back on other things
- kill the bureaucracy
- charisma
- 上課: Idioms-That use weather vocabulary
- calm before storm
- on cloud nine
- fair-weather friend
- head out of the clouds
- in a fog
- steal someone's thunder
- come rain or shine
- take a rain check
- save something for a rainy day
- under the weather
- every cloud has a silver lining / when it rains, it pours
- make sure to bundle up
芙莉蓮11 - 15
testaments / tremendously strong / cabin / pervert / indebted you / relic / fierce / intact / burial / orally
merciless / what a cheapskate
drown in to regret / pathetic old man / give him a nudge / resemble me / to scold her very firmly / on behalf of / contemplate
I'm talking about what you can do "now"
you want to make up / furious / etiquette / dopey / distraught / commend / heir / cocky the work you put into it will always pay off
- opponent
- diffeentiates winners from losers
- you probably heard the saying, "The results will take care of itself".
- use strength to submit someone
- he is going to think back to _
- do it now and then
- As a consequence of that
上課: Family, friends and famous people (Lesson 4)
tame -
芙莉蓮 16 -17
- engrave in history / errand / giant canyon / grew a goatee / reminisce / senile / tactics
- mediate / aversion / relieve pain
- I have a class tonight called Life in Spain. I'm trying to preview some knowledge throught ChatGPT.
- siesta culture (a midafternoon break)
- Spain has a constitutional monarchy
- Tapas: small plates or appetizers
- iconic landmarks
- cathedral
- 上課: Life in Spain
- 上課: Life in Spain 2
- medieval / Mediterranean Sea
- 效率好差,要怎麼提高生產力?The Science of Productivity
- deliberate practice
- crack open
- exhaustible source
- depletion
- compel human to finish a task
- they hav periods of intense work followed by breaks
- I believe that every man needs three hobbies. You need a phsical one, a cerebral one and a creative one.
- build a great physique
- look aesthetic
- commit to a physical hobby
- you're learning a lot and absorbing that information like a sponge
- authentic style
- slowly try to make that a routine
- 想要講出流利的英文,不能只「讀英文」! (How to TRULY become and STAY Fluent in English|The biggest mistake people make when learning English)
- You need to surround youself by English
- It take a bit of an effort and discipline
- vicious cycle
- 芙莉蓮 18-26
- sulking / sly / slob / sturdy / faint / attentive and considerate
- I don't like to take charge
- advocate / that is how subtle it is
- bestow / fistfight
- you're paying, right?
- intuitively / has the same atmosphere
- malicious intent / it's really baffling / it's a mimic / grimoire
- conceal / clumsy
- 上課: Idioms-Describing emotions
- Happiness:
- elation, cheerfulness, joy, pleasure, satisfaction
- over the moon / on top of the world / on cloud nine / in seventh heaven / grinning from ear to ear / jump for joy / time of his life / dream come true / make someone's day
- paint the town red: to take part in a celebration
- Sadness:
- grief / depression / down in the dumps
- guilty pleasure: is something someone enjoys but is embarrassed to admit.
- Angry:
- bent out of the shape
- Other:
- worked up
- means feeling very upset, worried, or excited, often in a negative way.
- chin up
- worked up
- 有效管理時間的技巧 (Tips for Effective Time Management)
- 時間永遠不夠用?從現在開始停止浪費時間! (Here is How To Never Waste Your Time Again)
- 上課: on the move
- The Tea Route, The Spice Route, The Salt Route
- Route prounce like root
- thousands of miles vs hundred years ago
- thousand of mile means exactly 1000 miles, thousands of means approxity number.
- 13個日常習慣讓你變得更聰明 (13 Everyday Habits That Make You Smarter)
- think critically
- recite facts
- easy to get stuck in a rut.
- what's the point?
- Don't just learn for the sake of learning
- take up a hobby
- it's important to take time to reflect on your days.
- 上課: Life In Italy
上課: Life in Italy II
【看脫口秀學英文】關於槍支的正確立場 (The Right Stance On Guns - Jason Cheny)
- away game
什麼時候都能睡!日本獨特的「睡眠文化」 (Japan's unique sleep cutlure: 'Inemuri', the art of taking power naps)
- It's a common sight in Japan.
- put in overtime
- exhausted
- capsule hotel
- 【MarieTV】如何堅持及始終如一:五個步驟搞定大小事! (How To Be Consistent: 5 Steps To Get Things Done, All The Time)
- Keey your eye on your why
- pick your battle
- schedule it
- ignore your feelings
- catch that wagon
- compelling vision
- just stick with that
- subtle distinction
- I don't feel like going to work
- "Bye Felicia"
- 芙莉蓮27-28
- retort /mistreat the weak /pessimistic /sensibility /inadequate people /instinct /audacity /noble
- he is adopted / nourishment / tater tots / mitten / puberty / descen / very reassuring / malicious harass / gullible / bowtie / license plate / intimidated by you / that was revolting / grooming / faculty restroom / bad reputation / just do yourself favor
- 上課: Idioms-Describing personal qualities
- have a heart of gold: have a very kind and generous natrue
- set in one's ways: to have habits that you follow and don't want to change
- down-to-earth: practical and realistic
- full of oneself: self-centered, having too much pride in oneself
- out of one's mind: behaving in a crazy way
- be cut out for something: means to have the right qualities, skills, or temperament to be well-suited for a particular task, job, or role.
- the odd one out: doesn't fit in with the rest of the group
- behind the times
- bit aware of the latest ideas and trend
- be going places:
- to be on the path towards a sucessful future
- She is going places in her career with her talent
- to a fault
- too much
- as
as they come- as friendly as they come
- unprejudiced
- thick-skinned / thin-skinned
- quick-tempered / easy-going
- open-mineded / narrow-minded
- two-faced
- 如何在瞬息萬變的世界中找到人生的意義? (How to find meaning (in an fast-changing world ?))
- just came out of (剛經歷過) / ponder this question / emerge from / strive for / firsthand account / confined to / possess a power / overlook chance to / high stimulus world
- see eye to eye: If two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other
- it's been working wonders
- lukewarm water
- 10 out of 10
- peel the shrimp
- out of the blue
- humid
幽默感很重要!成為一位喜劇演員的條件是?(How to Be Funny | RMIT University)
- you find the world a bleak and terrible place
- you don't have to be outgoing and gregarious
- there's only one rule in comedy - the punchline goes at the end
上課: On the move(Lesson 3)
I'm running late
上課: Life in Brazil
【Ted-Ed】沒自信?試試「自信加速三撇步」吧!(3 tips to boost your confidence)
- a quick fix
- believe in your ability to improve
- practice failure
- If you have a fixed mindset, meaning that you think your talents are locked in place, you might give up, assuming you're discoverd something you're not very good at.
- lurk at
- persevere
- give yourself a pep talk
noun or gerund(verb-ing)
passive voice / active voice
- 如何善於閒聊,甚至樂在其中 (How to Get Good at Small Talk, and Even Enjoy It)
- reduce the intensity of spotlight
- spontaneous
- competence
- paraphrasing
- distillation
- 上課: Life in Brazil
- 為什麼在日本很少胖子? (Why is it so Easy to be Thin in Japan?)
- big glups
- fermented foods like kimchi or natto
- the irony is, ...
- 別再死背了!了解這些小秘訣,讓你不用死背也可以記住更多單字! (The Secret to English Vocabulary – How to remember more)
- Split vocabulary into two groups, one is productive skills and the other one is receptive skills. Productive skills are what we use when we are speaking and writing because when we speak and write, we have to remember words. We use receptive skills when listening or reading. We do listening and reading, we just recognize the words
- In spite of that, ...
- 上課: Idioms-That use sports vocabulary
- call the shots: make the decisions
- on the ball: always pay attention, never slacking off(lazy)
- take a shot: attempt to do something
- a long short: something that is unlikely
- give something a shot: try something that migth be difficult
- drop the ball: make an error or mistake
- step up to the plate: take action in response to an opportunity or crisis
- game plan: strategy for achieving a goal
- set the place: choose how fast or slow something goes
- head start: start with an advantage
- give a head start
- neck and neck: be equal in a race or competition
- make sentence pratice
- when take final exam they are on the ball
- when will have a basketball game, our coach make the game plan to win championship
- senior high school / junior high school
- throw in the towel: quit; admit defeat
- above par or below par: better than is expected / worse than is expected
- raise or lower the bar: make something more(or less) difficult
- win some, you lose some...
- 只要 6 分鐘,你就能重獲 10 年的人生! (If you can spare me 6 minutes, you'll get 10 years of your life back)
- stop taking life for granted
- was eye-opening for me
- suddenly the things that felt overwhelming start to feel manageable
- start that side hustle
- 碳交易的故事 (The Story of Cap & Trade) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語
- carbon emissions trading
- is at stake
- atmosphere
- permit
- lax standards
致未來世代:對不起 (Dear Future Generations: Sorry) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語
- we were too caught up in our own doings to do something
- catch up to/with something: 追趕
- Go on ahead. I'll catch up with you soon.
- I have to catch up on some working this weekend.
- 聚一下/約一下
- Let's catch up soon.
- 捲入
- I was caught up in their argument
- we were too caught up in our own doings to do something
上課: Trip to the hairdresser
- comb / scissors
- (hair)dryer
- hair clip
- curly hair / wavy hair / bald / balding
- wear a hair in bun / pony talking
- she has straight hair
- Bangs are the hair above your eyes
- salon / barbershop
- 上課: Trip to the hairdresser
- hair spray
- fringe: are the hair above your eyes
- bangs ?
- what is different of client and customer
- client: have relationship
- hop: move fast
- 美國人為何迷戀花生醬 (Why Americans Are Obsessed With Peanut Butter)
- transcend time and space
- surpass
- that's very high penetration
- pack lunches every single day
- reporting on the nostalgia
- begger's belief
- had a falling out with someone
- snatch the lead from
- That doesn't come by happenstance
- overseas markets
- prevalence of allergy
- transcend time and space
上課: Idioms-Related to communication
- beat around the bush
- talking in circle, not answering / 沒說重點 / to stall or waste time to avoid anwsering a question / no direct answer
- keep me posted on what happens
- to provide someone with the most recent information
- heard it through the grapevine
- heard some information / rumor / means to hear news from someone who heard the news from someone else
- get a hold
- can't call / can't get something
- weight my words
- get to the point
- 說重點
- get the point
- play phone tag
- get in touch: to contact
- to stay or keep in touch
- catch up: to learn the most recent news of someone or something
- read her husband's mind
- word for word: the original word / know every thing
- tongue-tied
- read between the lines
- read someone's mind: to know what someone is thinking or about
- read between the lines: to infer something from something else; to notice a hidden meaning
- action speak louder than word
- 你熱愛的生活究竟該如何規劃?2025 年一起改變你的人生吧! (How to Design a Life You Love ? Transform Your Life in 2025) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語
- I'm just joining in
- honesty, integrity, compassion, passion, action, ambition
- solo time
- self-reflection
- notions of success
- I rate myself 3 out of 10
- 上課: Health and fitness
- carry on = hand luggage (行李箱托的)
- checked luggage = cabin luggage (手提)
- luggage = baggage
- departure hall
- security
- 100ml liquid in clear container
- passport control / immigration
- step to the side
- put your keys bin/tray
- check/empty your pockets
- go through security
- customs = not allow to carry
- departure gate
- go to check-in
- tax free / tax refund / duty-free zone
- security check
- aisle sit / middle sit / window sit
- a boarding pass
- compartment / a overhead locker
- fasten seat belt
- if there is turbulence, please fasten your seat belt
- arrive hall / departure hall
- passport control
- 總是不知道如何與人交談?看看如何更好地有效溝通!(Secret To Getting Better At Talking To People) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語
- social handicap
- body language / facial expression / tonality / proimity / eye contact
- here is a good analogy
- 上課: Are they shopping?
- long sleeves / sweater / T-shirt / dress shirt(formal) / goose feather jacket / goose down / hoody (帽T) / sleeveless singlet / costume / pajamas / clothes (don't prononuce es)
- humid
- second-hand: describing something that was the possession of anthor person
- 這就是我每天要做的(This is what I do everyday...)
- 上課: Visit to doctor
- to feel ill / to feel sick / to feel unwell / to feel terrible / under the weather
- to feel nauseuous /
- a stomachache / a pain in the neck or back / a headache / a runny nose / a blocked nose / a fever / a cold / arm hurt / pain in my arm
- take some medicine / call in sick / stay home from school or work / make an appointment / have hot tea with lemon / swallow a tablet
- prescription
- pharmercy = drag store = chemist shop
- pharmacist(people)
- ibuprofen (a common tablet)
- capsule膠囊 / tablet 藥片 / pill
- NHS(Nation Health Service)
上課: Visit to doctor
- a consultation: a meeting with an export to get advice
- he has a headache
- allerge (noun, adj prononuce different)
- earache
- he has a sore throat
- coughing
- toothache
- she's got a stomach ache
- sneezing
- take an aspirin
- symptoms
- a prescription
- can you descirbe your symptoms?
看醫生的英文 (English Vocabulary for visiting the DOCTOR)
- GP(General Practitioner)
- you have to describe your symptoms
- physical examination
- the doctor gives you a piece of paper which is called a prescription
- The instructions on the bottle tells you the dosage, how much to take.
- put a thermometer in your mouth
- I have a fever / I'm feeling feverish
- My arm is sore
- 上課: Communicating
- toddler / kindergarten
- near-sighted / far-sighted
- 上課: Christmas
- christmas carols / sleigh / snowman / mince pie / reindeer / tinsel / stocking / cracker / present / holly
- Jesus / manger
- 【阿滴英文】八個聖誕節傳統介紹 (8 Christmas Traditions)
- Santa Claus / eggong
- The tree is the most iconic item about Christmas
- 上課: Christmas