上課: Idioms related to shopping and possessions
- in mint condition: means pristine, undamaged since it was made.
- less is more
- collecting dust: hasn't been used for a long time
- come in handy: useful for a certain purpose
- in bagpack
- portable charger, umbrella, water bottle
- hard to come by: not common or easy to find
- odds and ends: small things usually of little value
- like capsule vending machine
- key chains
- I bought a lot books and they are collecting dust in the corner now.
- My girlfriend like to collect odds and ends.
- rip-off: something that is not worth the price
- compare apples to orange: bad comparison. to compare unlink things
- cut above: better than the rest
- stand the test of time: still useful after many years
- window shopping
- shopping holics 逛街狂人
- to shop aound for something
上課: New Year Celebrations
- New Year's resolution
- load trip
- theme park / amusement park
- miniature
- indulged in food/drink
- do something too much
- eating healthys many gains
- attainable / unattainable goal
- weakness
- lives aboard
- 如何成為一名副主廚|餐廳生意 (How to Become a Sous Chef | Restaurant Business) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語
- sous chef
- 【英語字彙】烹飪技巧:炒滷烤煮 (Cooking Vocabulary in English - chop, grill, saute, boil, slice...) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語
- culinary school
- what's cooking = what's happening
- recipe
- to saute 煎 / boil 滾 / simmer 燉 / broil;roast;grill 烤
- flat pan / oven 烤箱
- a little bit of oil
- chop / dice / slice / fry / deep-fry / stri 攪
上課: Iterview with Chef Drolet
- cuisine = food
- street food venders / family restaurants / fine dining / restaurant chain
- ingredients / grains(bread/rice/wheat)
- powdered 粉狀的
- medium / well done 9
- decor
- food court
- cozy
【聽Podcast學英文】如何在 2025 年養成良好習慣?(How to Build Good Habits in 2025) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語
- uncover the secret to
- why do we struggle to stick to them
- they often burn out quickly
- overtime, these small improvement add up to big result
上課: Idioms that use home Vocabulary
- hit close to home:
- have a skeleton in the closet
- home away from home: a place where you feel as comfortable as you do in your own home
- hit close to home:
- home free: having successfully completed something
- I'm home free
- bring home the bacon: make money
- make oneself at home:
- home stretch: the final/last part
- in the home stretch / finish the home stretch
- nothing to write home about: not exciting
- on the house: free; at no cost
- homesick
- a homebody: like to stay at home
- wake up on the wrong side of the bed: in a bad mood
- show someone the door: ask someone to leave
- have a skeleton in the closet: have a secret that you don't want others to know
- empty nester: a parent whose children have grown up and left home
- feel comforatble in a new place
- charisma / charismatic
- resonate
- shadow answer
- told entertaining stories or cracked a few genuinely funny jokes
- because people inherently value those things
- everyday person
- elevate the other person's experience
- give nonverbal cues
- with a blank face
- vent their emotions
上課: Iterview with Chef Drolet
- culinary school
- shepherd
上課: Five things to do in Sydney
- iconic / landmarks
- hidden gem
- off-the-beaten track
- aborigines / aboriginal
- coat hanger
- Southern Hemisphere
- get stuck in traffic
- Manly Beach
澳洲東海岸介紹 (Introducing East Coast Australia) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語
- hip cities
- native critters
- indigenous people
上課: Common Idiomatic expressions
- about to: planning to do something at the moment
- The plane is about to take off.
- for good: forever
- better off: to be in a better situation
- He was better off without her.
- about time: finally
- it's about time [subject] [past tense]
- up in the air: to be undecided
- all of a sudden: suddenly
- from scratch: from the beginning
- for good: forever
- benefit of the doubt
- I give a benefit of the doubt to stranger I met.
- close call: a situation that is almost dangerous
- had a close call
- benifit of the doubt: you believe someone is telling the truth
- up in the air
- for the best:
- was for the best